Sunday, August 7, 2011

The First Quest: Movie Found!

I have come in to possession of the 2005 version of "Pride and Prejudice"!

I borrowed it from a friend, who thought her sister took it to Aruba (where she is happily married and not coming back anytime soon). But, luckily for me, it was safe and sound in her parents' theater room.

IN SHORT: I am starting the book on the 8th of August, and hope to have it done before the week is over.

On to reading!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The First Quest: Pride and Prejudice

I have decided that my first book and movie combination will be Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. The movie will be the 2005 version, but I do plan on returning to this with some of the older version (and maybe one of the television series).

Why did I choose Pride and Prejudice? Well, for the first few choices I would like to try to stay in territory that is familiar with me. Also, I'm having serious monetary issues at the moment, and already own the book. But at the same time, it's a classic with well written and defined characters, and my first classic character crush (Mr. Darcy). I also just plain like the book. Is that so wrong?

I'll start the book as soon as I find myself a copy of the 2005 movie, that way I can read and then watch in quick succession. I hope to find a copy at the library because, as stated before, I can't really afford to buy it, or convince a friend to let me use their Netflix online to watch it. Then again, I also don't really desire to add that movie to my collection. Let's see if watching changes my mind.

Once I get my hands on the movie, digital or otherwise, I will post again. I will have a comparison ready soon after that.

Wish me luck on a quick find!


Friday, July 22, 2011

The Quest for Book Movies

This blog has sat here for quite some time, gathering internet dust. I had to sweep the poptart cats out with a broom to be able to post this.

But now I've finally decided to use this with a noble purpose: comparing books to the movies that were made from them.

There are several criteria for these things to be reviewed.

1. The book must have been written/released BEFORE the movie. Harry Potter, for an example, would count.

2. The book must not be a novelization of a movie. For example, the Spiderman 2 novelization on my bookshelf that I have because I am a nerd.

3. The movie has to be out where I can either a) see it in theaters, or b) find it in any sort of format to watch at home, be it On-Demand with the cable, DVD, or VHS.

4. There will be spoilers. No one will complain about them.

Those are really the only requirements. I may bend them from time to time (if there is a television series or miniseries, or a sequel that was never in the books) but it will only be in the fair spirit of showing what in the world these books have spawned.

I will also be blogging about trying to find these books and movies. One of my favorite stories when I was a wee middle schooler was "The Sound of Thunder". However, I don't know where I could find this in print or in film. It may not be the first thing I review, but it will for sure be in here somewhere. I also want to expand my library so I will be trying to find the books in print. The last thing I want to do, but will probably be forced to do a few times, is buy a book from Amazon or someplace on line, or watch the movie with Netflix or Hulu. However! The movie/book comparison will be made!

