Friday, July 22, 2011

The Quest for Book Movies

This blog has sat here for quite some time, gathering internet dust. I had to sweep the poptart cats out with a broom to be able to post this.

But now I've finally decided to use this with a noble purpose: comparing books to the movies that were made from them.

There are several criteria for these things to be reviewed.

1. The book must have been written/released BEFORE the movie. Harry Potter, for an example, would count.

2. The book must not be a novelization of a movie. For example, the Spiderman 2 novelization on my bookshelf that I have because I am a nerd.

3. The movie has to be out where I can either a) see it in theaters, or b) find it in any sort of format to watch at home, be it On-Demand with the cable, DVD, or VHS.

4. There will be spoilers. No one will complain about them.

Those are really the only requirements. I may bend them from time to time (if there is a television series or miniseries, or a sequel that was never in the books) but it will only be in the fair spirit of showing what in the world these books have spawned.

I will also be blogging about trying to find these books and movies. One of my favorite stories when I was a wee middle schooler was "The Sound of Thunder". However, I don't know where I could find this in print or in film. It may not be the first thing I review, but it will for sure be in here somewhere. I also want to expand my library so I will be trying to find the books in print. The last thing I want to do, but will probably be forced to do a few times, is buy a book from Amazon or someplace on line, or watch the movie with Netflix or Hulu. However! The movie/book comparison will be made!



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